Projects and collaboration

Roles, scope, environment, version control etc

Projects can be created by users and can be shared in two ways: either by inviting/adding other users or making it public and let others to join in. A /share folder belongs to each Project, that are visible and/or writable to other users depending ond their role.

Roles and project scopes

Users can be creators, administrators and collaborators. Collaborators can not alter any property of the project. A project can be private, internal or public. Internal projects are visible to only group members and public projects are visible to every user. Users can join only those projects that are visible to them.

Version control

First Manage secrets Create token at github under developer settings Create ssh key in kooplex into .ssh folder and copy into github ssh keys Then go to project settings and Versioncontrol


Sub navigation bar contains the following menus:


My projects

This page is where a user can manage his or her own projects. The default view for the project list is the compact view:



In the above Figure:Projects:List, there are four types of items. The test1 and test2 projects are distinguishable only because the container of test1 is not present and the other one is present but stopped thus both containers need to be (re)started. The notebook which belongs to test3 can be opened because its container is present and running. The status icons of these containers are shown on left side of the project name. The project owner of test is not the authenticated user which is shown on the right side of the project name.

An item of the project list is a collapsible element: it should be clicked to show detailed content:

Figure:Projects:Collapsed Item


The description of the above Figure:Projects:Collapsed Item:

  • a) Button for starting or opening the project
  • b) Description of the project
  • c) Container status icon
  • d) Project name
  • e) Button for stopping the container
  • f) Button for opening the project (disable for an unstarted project)
  • g) Button for publishing the project (disable for an unstarted project)
  • h) Version control of the project. The user's changes can be commited, reverted to a former commited state or user can pull remote changes.
  • i) Settings of the project where collaboration can be managed. The image can be changed, volume attachments can be modified or the project can be deleted here.
  • j) The used image name

Public projects

This page is where a user can use other users' public projects. In the Figure:Projects:Collapsed Item, there are some icons (g), h) and i)) which are not shown in this case.

New projects

This page is where a user can create a new project.

Figure:Projects:New project


In the above Figure:Projects:New project, there are the following tabs:

  • Description: the name of the new project should be entered and the description could be given.
  • Template: an image should be chosen for the new project (default: basic which provides the project with all the necessary packages)
  • Module volumes: module volumes could be attached to the new project (default: no volume is mounted)
  • Storage volumes: storage volumes could be attached to the new project (default: no storage is mounted)

After required fields are filled, the creation could be finished when Public or Private button is clicked.